Dedicated IP Courts to Improve China’s IP Image Worldwide

A new court would be set up to take care of IP matters in China. In order to make IP application and protection more efficient the proposal was given as a part of policy reform plan that was outlined by…

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BYD awarded China’s Emerging Leader in Innovations by WIPO-SIPO

BYD company Ltd, specialist in Battery technology in China was awarded 2013 WIPO-SIPO “Outstanding Patent Innovation and Industrial Design” medal. The company is also recognized as the most innovative company of China. BYD also received Award of Excellence from China’s…

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Patent on System and Method for Social Recruiting Granted, which is the Career Network site which helps people in their professional growth and success has bagged a major achievement with the grant of a patent on the invention of a newer technology which would enable the process of…

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Race of Trademark Holi among European Union Organisations

There is a surprising newer type of race among the various organizations of the European Union. This race is to trademark the Hindu festival Holi which is popularly known as the festival of color. Hindus have, however strongly opposed this…

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Pharmaceutical Companies shift from Small Molecule Drugs to Biotech Drugs

Recently, the Tufts University’s Center for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD) released an interesting report revealing the dramatic shift of pharmaceutical companies from manufacturing small molecule drugs to a large number of biotechnology drugs. The report shows that in…

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Patent Litigation Integrity Act (S. 1612) introduced by Senator Hatch

US Senator Orrin Hatch has introduced the Patent Litigation Integrity Act (S. 1612). The Act aims to address the growing threat of patent trolls who purchase existing broad patents and then threaten businesses of infringing them. Patent litigation Integrity Act…

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LG’s (G Flex) and Samsung’s (Galaxy Round) Curved Screen Mobile Phones

A new breakthrough in smartphone would be curved screen phones that two technology giants Samsung and LG released within weeks of one another. The technology of bendable screen would make gadgets more flexible to use as now they could be…

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LG and HTC enter Race to Make “Smartest” Smart Watch after Sony and Samsung

LG filed a patent for its new product G Health with USPTO, US. Much information related to the details of the product has not yet disclosed but according to description given under Goods and Services is mentioned, device would be…

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ViaCyte: Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy Derived from Stem Cells

ViaCyte Inc. is emerging as a leader in regenerative medicine and is all set to develop a new approach for the treatment of major diseases using cell therapy derived from stem cells. The company was granted 28 patents in 2011-2013…

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Important Drug Patents to Expire in 2014 for Generic Production

Year 2014 would be a big loss year for the Pharma companies because of the expiry of patents granted for some of the major medicines. It is estimated that due to the loss of IP protection, sales worth $34 billion…

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10 Patents on Well Known Firecrackers and Fireworks

1. CN2203772Y (1995) – Sound fireworks with whistle sound 2. CN2089609U (1991) – Rocket type two sound firecracker 3. US4779534A (1987) – Rocket firecrackers giving out smoke before flying up 4. CN2110849U (1991) – SEAT TYPE CONIC FIREWORKS AND FIRECRACKERS…

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Why Chinese Lights on Indian Diwali? – Patenting Diwali Lights & Lamps

This article will clarify why most of the Indian market is flooded with Chinese lights every year. A quick search with word “Diwali” gives far more Chinese patents than (any) Indian patents. 1. CN2775989Y (2004) – Single Diwali Electric The…

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Hand Gestures As a Mode of Instructions: Google’s New Patent

Amongst the various technologies that are used to provide data access to the users in communication networks and to aid in communication among the users Google has devised a new method of inputting commands. The method would use hand gestures…

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Unaffordable Life Saving Drug (Linezolid by Pfizer) Leaves TB Patients Struggling in South Africa

South Africa could not keep up with the treatment for Drug resistant Tuberculosis (TB), which has affected thousands of people in the country. Many of the sufferers would die and the death would be horrible and slow. Not only this,…

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Canada and European Union (EU) agree on CETA (Comprehensive Economic and trade Agreement)

In order to bring intellectual property protection at Canada more closely to the level of EU both Canada and European commission agreed on CETA (Comprehensive Economic and trade Agreement). CETA is a proposed free trade and copyright agreement between Canada…

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‘Fire In the Blood’ – An Eye Opener for Patent Law Makers in Pharmaceuticals

Fire in the Blood, is a documentary on “medicine, monopoly and malice.” It tells the story of how Western pharmaceutical companies and governments blocked access to low-cost AIDS drugs for the countries of the global south in the years after…

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China’s New Payment Rules Relaxed Onshore Payors

Earlier completing foreign exchange payments was very time consuming in Chinese banks as a part of intellectual agreement or technology because it required many registrations with Local Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and Patent office or trademark office. This either delayed…

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Patent on Method of Cellular Differentiation Granted to Cellular Dynamics International (CDI)

CDI (Cellular Dynamics International), a leader in developing induced pluripotent stem cell technologies for in vitro drug development, in vivo cellular therapeutic research and stem cell banking was granted patent no. US8557580 on October 15, 2013 entitled “Methods and Compositions…

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Samsung Unable To Block Sanction in Apple patent case

U.S. District Judge Lucy H. Koh, California has agreed to US Magistrate Paul S. Grewal’s judgement that stated that Samsung would be required to produce the details about the extent to which it violated the Apple’s patent that would include…

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IPONZ Rejects 6 Label-Trademarks on Antibacterial Properties of Manuka Honey

Intellectual Property Office at New Zealand (IPONZ) rejected Henry Soo Lee’s application that attempted to trademark labels related to six anti-bacterial properties of Honey. The major reason stated for this rejection was that this could mislead consumers and had a…

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