Patent on Method of Cellular Differentiation Granted to Cellular Dynamics International (CDI)

CDI (Cellular Dynamics International), a leader in developing induced pluripotent stem cell technologies for in vitro drug development, in vivo cellular therapeutic research and stem cell banking was granted patent no. US8557580 on October 15, 2013 entitled “Methods and Compositions…

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Patent on new systems and methods for ejecting SIM card in iPhone

Apple filed another patent for the mechanism that would aid in easy ejection of SIM from the phone. Apple Inc. has devised a new ejector mechanism for mobile phones where a magnet in the module would attract a magnet present…

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Location Based Security System for Mobile – Google’s new Patent

There are many types of screen lock options such as passwords, pattern unlock, pins or face resemblance available in the phones to prevent everybody’s access to the phone but it becomes difficult when we want to access our device in…

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Autographing Reader’s eBook using Hot Spot at Signing Events: Apple’s New Patent

Attending book signing events is popular amongst book lovers. Such events are generally organized at a bookstore or library where an author sits and sign books for a period and may also add a short message for the reader and…

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Gasoline produced by KAIST (South Korea) scientists using E. Coli

Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a gram negative bacteria which is commonly found in lower intestine and most E. Coli strains are harmless however some strains can cause food poisoning in humans. The organism is a model organism for gram…

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