The objective of the seed development report is to identify the research, development, and innovations in the field of “Novel Seed Development Technologies”. The report sheds light on the comprehensive analysis of technologies that will include, details of innovations surrounding the composition and emerging technologies for production. New seed priming methods, faster processes that have good storability & optimized germination. Information of academic institutes working in the advancement of technology. Various competitors, key players, and associated technologies will also be provided.
The study by experts of Signicent includes :
- Technological innovations & research related to composition and production.
- Analysis of the major players and products in the market.
- Storability and optimized germination related innovations
- Competitive perspective.
- The latest advancement in the application area
The three major challenges that are discussed in the seed development report found during our analysis are-
Environmental Factors: Seed germination depends upon environmental factors of the field which are weather conditions, soil type and water availability, various environmental issues such as climate change, urbanization, etc. which have a severe impact on agriculture.
Disease resistance variety without using pesticides: Plant diseases like fusarium head blight (FHB) and stripe rust are increasingly causing serious damage to wheat crops. To treat them often chemical pesticides are sprayed which further cause threats to human health and affect beneficial microorganisms.
Low germination rates: High-value specialty crops such as watermelons are often in high demand and the production of seedless (triploid) varieties has become very popular compared to traditional seeded (diploid) varieties. However, seedless (triploid) varieties have several production limitations, including low seed germination rates compared with diploid varieties, and generally lower stand establishment rates as a result of seedling sensitivity to environmental stresses.
Nanoparticle Mediated Seed Priming Method
To overcome the aforementioned challenges the seed development report will now take you through the innovations that are happening across the globe in this industry. One of them is using the nanoparticle-mediated seed priming method.
It helps in making some improvement in seed germination, yield, and growth of watermelon seeds. Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University is working aggressively.
Production limitations
Seedless (triploid) varieties have several production limitations, including low seed germination rates compared with diploid varieties, and generally lower stand establishment rates as a result of seedling sensitivity to environmental stresses.
The appropriate solution involves AgNP-treated triploid seeds. These could be used to enhance seedling emergence rate. The methodology that can be followed to enhance seedling emergence rate is as follows :
Formation of turmeric oil nanoemulsions: Spontaneous emulsification is used to form nanoemulsions. Lipophilic phase is developed by adding 120 mg of Span 20 in 25 ml of nanopure water which is stirred for two hours at 1500 rpm on a magnetic stirrer. The aqueous phase has been developed by adding 450 mg of Tween 20 in 75 ml of nanopure water. The mixture is stirred on a magnetic stirrer for two hours. The spontaneous emulsion has been formed by mixing 2 ml of turmeric oil in lipophilic phase and then this is mixed with an aqueous phase. This mixture is stirred on a magnetic stirrer overnight.
Formation of Silver nanoparticles: 25g of onion peel is boiled in 200 ml of nanopure water for 10 minutes and extract thus formed is filtered using whatmann filter paper grade1 and cellulose filter paper. 0.5 ml of the above extract is added to 10 mL of 0.01 M AgNO3 solution at 80 °C with continuous stirring for 5 minutes.
Seed Treatment: Seeds are immersed in priming media containing priming solutions for 12 h in a dark room at room temperature. Seeds are dried after rinsing with nanopure water 2-3 times.
Irradiation Based Seed Priming Method
The ability for UV-C treatment of the seed for sowing to be used to increase the yield of harvested seed is often hampered because it needs to be combined with chemical pesticides. UV-C irradiation alone has substantially no beneficial effect on plant yield.
Choosing UV-B over UV-C irradiation
Seeds treated with UV-B irradiation provide substantially improved biological outcomes linked with plant performance, like flavonoid concentration alongside improved yield of harvestable crop material after 30 days.
Seed Priming Method: Various physical methods are used to treat seeds for the improvement of germination. This study used UV-B irradiation for seed priming to improve germination, increase flavonoid concentration and stress resistance.
Seeds used: The seeds used for sowing could be of lettuce, beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, cucumber, melon, onion, peas, peppers, pumpkin, spinach, squash, sweetcorn, tomato, watermelon, alfalfa, canola, corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, sugarbeets, wheat.
Benefits: Improves germination, drought resistance, salinity stress, transplantation shock, long-term hardiness, high visible light stress, insect pest stress, fungal or bacterial stress, and/or other disease-related stress
Exceptionality: UV-B irradiation stimulate the transcription level of protein expression associated with the flavonoid concentration in the seeds, hence flavonoid concentration increases. Flavonoids consist quercetins, cyanidins, kaempferols, and combinations thereof
Treatment Steps
UV-B irradiation-based treating of seeds follows the following steps:
- Seeds of the variety Legacy (Egmont Seeds, New Zealand) were spread on water-soaked filter paper
- Seed are then exposed to a narrow-band UV-B dosage peaking at 286 nm using an LED (Light Emitting Diode) array for 40 min
- Seeds are kept at 160 C for 48 h. Seeds are frozen in liquid nitrogen for UV-B absorbance analysis.
- UV-B absorbance compound is analysed by measuring the supernatant absorbance using spectrophotometer at 300 nm, after homogenization in acidified methanol and centrifugation.
Seed Priming Device
In this section of the seed development report, ultrasonic wave and light treatment given to seeds with the help of devices has been briefly discussed to share key insights.
Device-based Solution: The seed germination improving apparatus uses priming, ultrasonic wave, and light. Seed enters a seed receiving part which is provided with ultrasonic applying part, here seeds are treated with ultrasonic wave. Seed receiving unit is also provided with treatment liquid which can be a nutrient solution for either feeding the seed or helping it with germination.
Market Analysis & Segmentation
In this section of the seed development report, the global seed treatment market is discussed.
Global seed treatment market size is estimated to reach USD 11.3 billion by 2025 from USD 6.4 billion (2020), growing at a CAGR of 12.1% over 2020-2025.
Growing demand for improved crop yield. Broad-spectrum of protection against microbes is the driving force for the growing market. However, Limited shelf life remains a restraint.
Development of innovative combinations of products pertaining to seed treatments, which could be extremely beneficial for crop yields, both qualitatively and quantitatively. However, Creating resistance amongst crop protection products remains a challenge.
Each year Signicent provides consultancy to hundreds of organizations to help transform their innovations to value.
Competitive Analysis
In this section of the seed development report, a competitive analysis is done to understand the dynamics better.
Germains Seed Technology
Founded in 1871, Germains Seed Technology is a UK-based seed company that specializes in seed priming, pelleting, film coating, health, and polymers.
Of these major areas, Germains offers the following seed priming techniques for several vegetable species.
The emerges range of seed priming treatments helps to improve the speed of germination, provides a more uniform emergence, and promotes earlier and stronger plant establishment.
Species availability: Carrot, Celery, Chard, Coriander, Corn Salad, Eggplant, Fennel, Leek, Melon, Onion, Parsley, Parsnip, Pepper, Red Beet, Salad / Bunching Onion, Spinach, Sweet Pepper, Tobacco, Tomatoes, Wild Rocket.
Tempo is a priming process to combat abiotic stresses linked to temperature and light, enabling seeds to germinate in the dark and under temperature stress. Tempo raises the upper-temperature limit and reduces the requirement for light that is required for the germination process, improving both speed and uniformity.
Transformative companies for seed development
Verdesian Life Sciences, founded in 2012, uses advanced science to disrupt chemical, physical and biological relationships among crops and their environment to find new interactions that benefit plant performance, water quality, and soil health.
Benson Hill was founded in 2012, inculcating a cutting-edge food innovation engine that combines data science and machine learning with biology and genetics. Benson Hill empowers breeders, farmers, ingredient and food manufacturers, retailers, and consumers to ensure better food by intent, design, and access starting basically from the seed production.
Interesting Press Releases
Kamterter Products, L.L.C. has won the 2020 FarMore® Vision Award for its dedication to providing essential support to the seed treatment industry. The Nebraska-based seed product development company was recognized for its commitment to providing service, quality, and value for growers.
To increase the ability to provide astronauts nutrients on long-duration missions as the agency plans to sustainably return to the Moon and move forward to Mars, the Veg-PONDS-02 experiment is currently underway aboard the International Space Station.
Future of Seed Priming
Seeds contain the genetic wisdom of the past and the potential for its perpetuation in the future. Unsurprisingly, thus it is becoming increasingly evident that cultivators are drawing on innovative priming techniques.
Nanopriming :
- Nanoparticles (NPs) are rapidly being adopted in agriculture to improve plant growth and development.
- Nano-priming is one such strategy that utilizes NPs to enhance seed germination, seedling vigor, and improve crop resilience.
Radiation-based priming :
- Physical treatments are being more focused as a substitute to chemical priming agents.
- Irradiation method helps improve seed germination rates as well as to increase gene transcription level which further improves germination.
Combination based priming
Combinatorial methods involving more than one type of priming are catching up to counter the disadvantages of deploying only one method. One such strategy is combining bio-priming with nanopriming, where myco‑synthesized silver and titanium oxide nanoparticles could be used as seed priming agents.
Further potential for merging findings on seed priming with those of stress memory, with the dual benefit of advancing fundamental research and boosting crop productivity could be explored.
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